
Since my first encounter with the process of world building in narrative media during the 5D Conference in Los Angeles in 2008 this process has been a huge inspiration in my design process. Besides implementing this ever-evolving process in my work I’ve also been attending many workshops regarding this process. Knowledge and experiences with world building I share via presentations and workshops every so often at Festivals and Academies amongst others.

More info regarding the process of world building by the Worldbuilding Institute

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  • Media Arts Festival Arnhem

    Worldbuilding: de kunst van het creëren van fictieve werelden.

  • Workshops

  • Presentations

  • Will Europe Immerse?

    In the latest issue of Perspective, the magazine of the American Art Directors Guild, an article of mine is published about Immersive Design and its possibilities and benefits for the European film production process. Click on the link below for the article. Will Europe Immerse? For more information about Immersive Design check the 5D link…

  • Script as only starting point in the narrative media is outdated

    download the Dutch version of the  article  here. Script as only starting point in the narrative media is outdated “It is the designer who has the central role in the narrative media”, according to Alex McDowell, production designer of Fight Club, Minority Report, The Terminal, Breaking and Entering and Watchmen. With a new form of…

  • 5D Immersive Design

    Visited in 2008 the 5D Immersive Design Conference. Awe inspiring. Some pics here